Thursday, June 26, 2014

True Fun!!

Happy Thursday!!

In my journal spread today, I just wanted to express just plain happiness and what art journaling is for me...just TRUE FUN!!  It is a simple page, but with all of my favorite colors and I just had fun doing it!  One of things I always try to keep in mind in doing my art journals is just have fun!  I'm not an professional artist and don't aspire to be one.  I started art journaling out of a need to express myself and because I just love playing with color and texture.  I've come to realize not to take it too seriously and just enjoy!  I usually incorporate my faith which is usually my inspiration, so that keeps me relatively grounded!

Today though, I just wanted to express fun!  What is your fun?  How do you express it? Is it therapeutic?  Do you want to reach someone else through it or is it just self gratifying?  In God's Word, He expresses that "Whatever you do, work at it with ALL your heart, as for the Lord and not for men." (Col 3:23)  What does that mean?  It means do your service as unto the Lord and it WILL be gratifying to yourself as well as to others!  Don't go at it to satisfy "men," or "others!"  We will NEVER truly satisfy another!  So don't try!  The only One you really need to be worried about is our Father in Heaven!  If you do it as "unto Him," you CAN'T go wrong!!!  You will in turn be self gratified, lifted up and encouraged through the process!

In His Word, God notes that He wants us to have the desires of our heart (Ps. 37:4) even the smallest things like fun art journaling!!  But if we desire to delight in Him first, it makes it all the more fun and all the more blessed!  He's interested even in the small things of our lives!  He is such a loving Father!!

Have true fun today and in no matter what it is that you do, do it as unto the Lord delighting in His Holy Name!
