I have been arting when I can these days. For those that have visited here at all, you know I have been dealing with the parents as of late!! I don't say that in a harsh way! Both of my parents are elderly, my dearest Papa more than my mother. My dad landed in hospital AGAIN and has been there for two weeks, which was why you guys didn't see me last week! We finally were able to break him out of that place yesterday and transfer him to a Rehabilitation Center so that he can get back to his good old self! We are in high hopes! My father is 90, very independent, and determined to get back home, so we shall see! Keep us in your prayers.
As I have been in and out as of late, I have worked on bits here and there and if I could ever manage to sit for more than a few, then I might get a full project done! LOLOL As it were, I have had these ATC's on my desk working on them a minute here and there. Like tags, I love working on ATC's. I wish I were as creative as some of the fantastic ATC artists out there, but I just piddle and have fun!

I have a file with lots of different vintage photos in them (I love vintage, but I'm not too clever with them) so I just went through and pulled out a few and had fun. I haven't finished all six, as I said, I've been in and out, but I have three finished to show you today!
Ok my crafty friends, let it be said that I am NOT "techi" AT ALL!! So I have a situation that I want to throw out there that I KNOW somebody HAS TO KNOW how to solve!! Since I use "Blogger" for my blog and since we NO LONGER can use Picasa for our picture upload/edit, I do it straight from my computer, but HOW ON EARTH do you rotate a picture in Blogger? It is rotated on my computer, but when I upload it to Blogger (hence the above picture on the right) it turns it upright! Now, all I can say to that, after a WHOLE LOT of trying EVERYTHING, is what they say in the cartoons...."&%#$^&^%$%$%()*&*" LOLOL
Now, if any of you can solve that little ditty for me, I'm willing to send you a little love from my home to yours! Just comment below and I will make it so! :)
Well, I'm off to snoop around on fellow crafter blog posts and I am SURE I will find some wonderful goodies! I love getting to know so many of you talented people and thanks in advance for stopping in and always leaving such encouraging words!
Blessings to you today!!!