What's up all my crafty friends?????? It's our glorious hump day over on Julia's Stamping Ground blog where we share with one another what is happing on on our crafty desks!! Come on over and share and visit some pretty crafty folks! :)
So, once again, I was MIA last week. It was another busy week here in my neck of the woods. It seems as our numbers have continued to go down on the COVID front, the flood gates have opened and people are coming out of the woodwork and it has been crazy busy EVERYWHERE!! I know many of you have STILL not seen a release, so I am not gloating by any means, but I just hope that people don't get so excited that they let their guard down and we end up right back in the same mess! I had my second jab last week amidst the work chaos and thankfully I did not get sick!! I had heard horror stories about the second one, but I was blessed to be sure! I did however have what felt like an arm made of a concrete block! LOLOL It hurt so bad that even my shirt touching it brought a wince to my face!! Thankfully it's all over and I don't have to think about those blasted things anymore.......unless they come up with something else!!! Let's hope that DOESN'T HAPPEN!!!!! LOLOL I truly hope that everyone has come out well after ALL your shots!!!
So what's happening on my desk? The beginning stages of my gift for my nephew and niece's wedding that is on THIS WEEKEND!! LOL Yes, you heard that right...beginning stages and this weekend!! So guess who is running around like a chicken with their head cut off? LOL Now to be fair, this gift came as rather an epiphany on Monday. The shower we have been planning, which is why crafting has been at a halt, is Saturday and it is going to be a gift card shower. So pretty easy right.....no crafting involved. But brilliant me just had to have a little "light bulb" moment and think to myself, "wouldn't it be cool to have a way to present the gift cards!?" Well, I'm NOT going to buy anything when I can make it right? In comes the project! I know...why do we do these things to ourselves???
Beginning stages of card holder |
So this is as of last night. You can totally see it's a work in progress, but by gosh, I WILL get it done! I sanded her down, added a coat of gesso and then a layer of black. It was dark enough that I didn't feel I needed to add another. "Turner" is my nephew's last name, hence the "T" and I'm adding a mandala around it. I will be adding some pink and more gold in there (the colors in their house) by way of some more mandala-type art either at the bottom and top or around the sides. Not sure yet, I have to think it out some more.....I mean in a hurry! LOL When I get done, I will be hanging the gift cards from the clips either directly, in an envelope or by a cute hanging twine piece. Not sure on that yet either. This way they have another gift that they can hang in the kitchen for notes etc.... Nothing like putting the skills to a test, huh?? LOL
So, yipee to me, I was the winner last month with on of my swap groups! Not because of my ATC's, but because I had the "lucky card" in the swaps that were sent to me and that made me the winner! I was so stoked because I NEVER win ANYTHING! LOL This is a fairly new swap group over on Instagram that @cwcrafts330 heads up! Go check out her Instagram page and if you want to be a part, we'd love to have you with CWCrafts ATC Swap Group!! It turns out, she lives in the same state that I do and I thought that was so cool! I live in such a rural area, that no one does the style of crafting that I do, so to find someone else doing that, even though she lives several hours away, was a treat. So happy mail to me.....she sent me my gift for winning and I was so excited to get it!!!
What a great win right? Thanks Christine! :) |
The thing that was so cool about it, is that I have been wanting to try out Arteza's watercolor/mixed media journals for a while and just haven't gotten around to purchasing one, so my win was timely!!!! Not that I need ANOTHER journal, but you know how we are.....just got to have one! LOL Can't wait to dive in!!! I'm so very thankful for my win! :)
Now for the best and most hysterical happy mail that I have received in a while.......drum rolllllllllll.....it came from our very own Julia Dunnit!! Just so you know, I laughed my tooshie off when I opened this up, Julia!!! I should have known you'd come up with something like this to send across the pond!!! For those who were not present at the #600 Zoom meeting, it was pretty much the inside joke where I remarked about Shoshi's Marmite suggestion, Jan got tickled, I made eye contact, then I got tickled and it was all over with!!!! LOLOL Once I start laughing, it's hard to stop!!! So, in honor of our hilarity, Julia, it seems, has decided to send me some of your beloved condiment to try for my very own! LOLOLOL It is very apparent that you cannot leave Julia alone to her own thoughts! LOLOL
Look at that cuteness of a card!!! |
Just so you all know, I haven't tried the Marmite yet!! It's not that I don't want to, I just haven't had the opportunity....because believe me, I want to give it ALLLLL the attention it deserves!!!!! No sireee, this isn't just ANY sample, it's THE sample of a lifetime! LOLOL What I would like to do is have my kids help me video it and post it. We shall see. First off, I don't like videoing or taking photos of myself, but really it's because I'd have to have them help this NON-techy mom actually get it done!! Next week's post shall be interesting!! LOL I'll wait to thank you then Julia!! LOL
Well, I think I have blabbed on long enough!! I hope you all are experiencing some fine weather. We really have had some beautiful days here lately. It stormed last night, but we need all the rain we can get up until what we call "summer," because it gets so extremely hot here and we can be in a drought before we know it, so rain is always welcome to get us through!!
Blessings for your Wednesday and until we meet up again! xo