Thursday, February 1, 2018

Friends from Afar!

Happy Thursday all my crafty friends!!! I can't believe I am posting two days in a row! LOL Wonders never cease, right???? LOL I hope today is finding you all healthy, at peace and FULL OF JOY! :)

Today, I am not going to be sharing any of my craftiness partly because my project is not done yet, but MOSTLY because I want it to be about someone else's craftiness!! I came home several days ago (I know.....what took me so long to share!!!) and found surprise HAPPY, SPECIAL, PRECIOUS mail! Yep, that's right! For those of you who get "happy mail," I'm two up on you cause mine was happy, special...andddd...precious mail! LOL Ok, I'll share the floor with you! LOL I went by the postbox fully intending to find yet ANOTHER bill but instead found love in an envelope!
Look at that goodness right there folks! My wonderful friend Jackie P Neal, who incidentally is a published can check out her claim to fame RIGHT HERE...... and yea, I know her......hee hee, sent me this envelope of love! I bet anyone passing by who saw my face as I pulled that precious envelope out of the box probably thought.....boy that's the biggest cheese grin I've ever seen! LOLOLOL I couldn't wait to get inside and open it!

Jackie, like so many of you out there, is just a gifted artist! She creates some of the most wonderful pieces and I'm grateful to call her friend! When you have the opportunity, go check out ALL of her GORGEOUSNESS on her wonderful blog Creating Without Crayons!

I'm a tag girl and I love creating them as well as receiving them. I have been on several online tag swaps and really need to get back into another one! They are great fun and you meet so many wonderfully talented people and learn some lovely techniques when you receive their goodness! As I have been involved in many swaps, I have so many art pieces displayed on my art closet wall. But a tip from another wonderful online friend Zsuzsa, who is also an amazing artist,  brought out the discussion of a "Friendship Wall!" How cool is that right??? So the current wall that I do have will at some point have a "billboard" on it and all of my precious online friends's art displayed. I have so much that needs to be put up that I still haven't displayed yet, so it will be a work in progress!
So all that got my thoughts flowing. I have spoken about this before, but I really want to express my EXTREME GRATITUDE for my online arty friends!! I've never personally met you, but you all still feel like family as I take a peek into your every day lives either on social media or on your blog. Online friends can be like your at home friends......they come and go...., but there are some of you (and you know who you are) who I met over five years ago online and we have all followed each other and shared our art with one another all that time! You develop just as special a relationship as if they were right down the road! Now, I'll admit, I wish you WERE right down the road, to hob nob with across a craft table, go to the coffee house with or even sit by the fire with a glass of wine and laugh with, but even though I don't have that luxury, YOU are still just so special to my heart!

Thank you never seems quite enough, but know it's NO LESS sincere and heart felt! So today, THANK YOU sweet, sweet Jackie and all my other online friends who bring a smile to my face and heart each and every day, who inspire me, encourage me and bless me without even ever knowing it!
Today, I encourage you to take the time to share a smile, a hug, a text or even a "blog post" with those who mean so much to you! We aren't assured another day, so live today, like there is no tomorrow!

"I thank my God upon every remembrance of YOU!" Philippians 1:3



  1. Awww, such a lovely post Felicia! I appreciate our friendship as well more than I can express. I'm definitely going to do that friendship wall as well to remind me every day of my far away friends! And although we've never met, it truly feels like we have! I feel so blessed to have you and Jackie in my life and bits of your art to treasure forever! What a beautiful tag has Jackie created for you - it's a lovely feeling to know that we are only a few in the world to own one of these beauties and we are somehow connected through them!

  2. Felicia! You are ever too sweet for all of these lovely words you have posted about me! I could not be happier that you found such joy in your gift! I do know how you love tags and I hope you know how much your friendship means to me as well!
    I could not have said it any better about online friendships. These are so very special and if we are, any of us, someday lucky enough to meet in person, well then,how wonderful would that be!
    Thank you again sweet one! Sending lots of love and big hugs your way! Jackie xoxo your email I sent you! heehee
