Good Thursday all my crafty friends! I pray you all have had a blessed week and are looking forward to an eventful or relaxing weekend! I, unfortunately, will be CLEANING!! Uggghh! I mean much cleaning can you really do? But somehow or another, it comes around like clockwork ever other week! I love my "off weekends" because I get to be somewhat lazy, except for the mounds of clothes that still have to be washed! But all that said, I am exceptionally blessed to have a beautiful home to clean and clothes to wash! I shall stop complaining now!!! LOLOL
Today, I want to share just a couple of pictures from Carolyn Dube's Permission to Play Lesson 2 over on her website A Colorful Journey. In Lesson 2, Carolyn was wanting us to fin images and shapes inside her Sparks of Art-spiration that we could download for the lesson. Carolyn found a disco dancing 70's superhero, which was too cute to me! Somehow, if only in my mind, I had to find something just as cool! LOL I'll share two with you today!
Both of the Sparks of Art-spirations that I picked immediately brought images to my mind ( remember those psych pictures in college that you had to look at and tell what you saw in the picture? I usually had to sit and stare FOREVER at them before something came to mind..LOLOL) and I was looking forward to seeing if I could pull it off! The first picture I went off from was the one in this photo from yesterday at the top right:
I saw a carnation in the top left and bottom right....or a flower resembling that. So I went with that to this:
Also in that picture on the top right (almost cut off) I saw a butterfly looking blob, so I went with that also. I wanted to keep Carolyn's background because I just loved it so and just added my artwork to it. I really just rough drew it out with my pencil and then just got various acrylics and went to town. I also did some shading with a Stabilo pencil and white gel pen and added some stickles on my butterfly. I also stamped "gratitude" on the board. It turned out okeedokee. I am not a "painters artist" that's for sure, but it was just fun seeing what I came up with out of her art-spirations!
The second art-spirations picture from this photo at the bottom left:
I immediately saw a tree to the left with many leaves falling down out of it. Now what I thought I was going to do, didn't necessarily come out from my minds eye initially, but I still like what I ended up with here:
Like the previous one, I rough sketched what I thought I wanted and ended up light gessoing over it. I did want some of Carolyn's colors to pull through, but in the end it was very light. I simply took some acrylic paints and painted out my tree and then took a stipple brush and pounced out leaves with various fall colors. I had a "leaf" stamp in my collection that I then used Staz-On in in Saddle Brown and stamped in the stipple area to get a "leaf look" it's faint, but you can see it when you re close up. I also stamped some pumpkins at the bottom and colored with Faber Castell Big Brush Pens and then stamped my sentiment with Archival Ink in black. And voila! It was fun finishishing out what my eye saw!
As a believer, I am well aware that God sees things that we don't see! And I am thankful for that! Imagine if God handled things the way we saw them half the time! Oh me!!!!! In God's Word in 1 Samuel 16:7 He says "But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look a the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart." Hallelujah! Matthew Henry said "we can tell how men look, but God can tell what they are!" Indeed! God continually looks at the heart!
It is so easy to judge people from the outside appearance, but you don't know what is in a man's heart? If we are too quick to judge another, we may miss out on being a blessing to another or may even miss out on a blessing ourselves! Furthermore, if that person is "seeking" and you, as a believer, are too quick to judge, you may turn that person from our Father. How sad would that be? Remember God chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise!
I encourage you today to see people through the precious eyes and blood of Jesus! Love them with the heart of the Father. Sometimes we may feel it's a little tough, but God's grace is sufficient, I promise you that! At this beautiful time of year open your heart and see beyond the surface and give thanks to the Father that you can do all things through Christ! :)
Be blessed
A place where God puts a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to Him! Many will see and fear the Lord and put their trust in him! — Psalm 40:3
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Good Wednesday all my crafty friends! It's a beautiful day in my neck of the woods. HOT, but beautiful! I hope your day is lovely as wel...
Good Wednesday morning all my crafty friends! It has been quite some time since I participated in the WOYWW's over at Julia's blog !...
Good Wednesday all my crafty friends!! Wednesdays seem to come around quicker than you think these days! LOL This year, Wednesdays have brou...
These are both stunning pages, Felica! Too good for cardboard, really!!!! You managed to make the "finding of images" exercise fun and meaningful at the same time! Love the tree and the carnations! Love that painterly look - very arty!
ReplyDeleteGosh, you know how to boost me up my friend! Thank you so much! I'm just glad it came out remotely like what I had in my mind! LOLOLOL I got to get a move on, I have much to finish! :)))) Thanks for the encouragement! :)
DeleteLove your art and your message dear friend.
ReplyDeleteOhhhhh Peg, you are the sweetest! Thank you so very much and as always for dropping by! :)
DeleteI love the results of your hunt for images. That is such a fun excercise. Beautiful pages as usual :)
ReplyDeleteShel, I'm trying to keep up with you girlfriend! I love what you have been doing lately with your painting!!! Your girls are fabulous!!! It was a fun exercise and I have to make sure that I keep what I learn through this whole thing and not get back in my rutt!!! Thank you so much for your words of encouragement and dropping by! :)
DeleteFelicia, your pages are wonderful!!! I often look at things like that and can't find anything, lol. You did really well!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so glad God sees so much more clearly than we do!!!